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New Beginnings in 2016

With the New Year upon us, many will contemplate the blessings and challenges of 2015, only to plan for 2016 by considering New Year’s resolutions, aspirations and personal goals. We are all familiar with the classic New Year’s resolutions of exercising more, losing weight, eating healthy, improving relationships or balancing our finances. Unfortunately, we are also familiar with how these bright ideas often fade away as our ambition meets the grind of daily living.

The question becomes, “How can you make the most of your goals in 2016?”

The answer may be closer than you would expect and People House might just have the insight that you are looking for.

If you are at all familiar with People House, you know that it is an incredible, one of a kind place that focuses on encouraging the betterment and personal growth of a wide variety of patrons. What may be less well known is that People House is also committed to the spiritual and personal growth of its practitioners and administrative staff, in addition to the clientele and community at large. The People House community collectively offers a wide variety of services, including workshops, groups, individual counseling and ministerial services, as well as the ability to reference outside community resources as needed. Avenues for pursuing these supportive services range from fee for service, to income-based, and even free heart of service options.

If balancing your budget, eliminating debt or saving for the future is in line with your new year’s resolution, then one of People House’s heart of service or affordable counseling options might help to foster your personal growth in this new year.

From process groups to mindfulness practice groups, heart of service groups can offer support and community as you work to tackle your resolutions. However, if you are looking for something more personal, check out any of the competent and capable affordable counseling interns listed on the website. These affordable counseling options offer the opportunity for a quality counseling experience at minimal cost to you. These highly skilled and carefully chosen therapist interns are ready to help you to make the most of 2016.

As an incoming therapist intern in the affordable counseling program, as well as being a new member to the People House community, I have already begun to experience the immense support, encouragement and understanding offered by this incredible group of people. As I step into the unknown in this year, I look forward to the road ahead and I choose to trust the process –taking faith that People House will empower my experience, education and relationships to be the best that I can be for both myself, as well as for my clients. With self-awareness and the courage to evolve, I look forward to the quality supervision offered by the People House community and its master therapists. I trust that this will further empower my ability to foster growth in those who are ready and willing to take that first step.

For those of you who are, like myself, looking forward to an incredible new year, I encourage you to take the first step, trust the process, find your mantra and engage in a community that will empower you and your personal growth in 2016. Make the most of what lies ahead, for it is only through yourself that you will find happiness. At People House you will find compassion, community, guidance and support for the journey ahead. Best wishes in 2016!

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